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My books

 Practical Ext JS 4 is written for developers, and has up-to-date coverage of all of the features of Ext JS 4.2. The objective of the book is to get you up and running using the Ext JS 4 framework for your projects as quickly as possible. In the book, you will rapidly be brought up to speed on some of the advanced features of JavaScript, such as mixins, closures, and hoisting, and how you can take advantage of these combined with the power of Ext JS to create powerful applications. You’ll learn all of the core features of the Ext JS framework, such as its MVC architecture, theming your applications, and working with and displaying data effectively. You’ll also extensively use the Ext JS components throughout the practical examples in the book. Finally, you’ll learn about unit testing and packaging to build and deploy better applications.

You can get a copy from  Amazon

Spring 3.0 Black Book is a one-time reference book, written from the Java application developer’s point of view, containing lot of examples and covering a number of features of Spring 3.0 framework. It will help you master various features in Spring 3.0, such as performing database operations, creating RESTful applications, and sending e-mail messages. If you are a developer, then this book is a perfect platform to start using Spring 3.0 in your projects. The book is replenished with plenty of real-time examples that give the developers a jump-start to using spring 3.0 in their applications. In this book, you will learn how to use Spring 3.0 and its features to develop enterprise applications in Java.

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