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Managing JavaScript files using RequireJS – III

Managing JavaScript files using RequireJS – III

In the earlier post, we discussed managing dependencies of our JavaScript files using Require JS. The application uses jQuery.js, A.js and B.js. They are loaded in order using Require js. However the browser while loading the html file, sends individual […]

Managing JavaScript files using RequireJS – II

Managing JavaScript files using RequireJS – II

In the earlier post we created a HTML page that used three js files, jquery-1.8.3-min.js, A.js and B.js. The page had three <script> tags one for each js file. To re-iterate one of the problems with this approach as mentioned […]

Managing JavaScript files using RequireJS – I

Managing JavaScript files using RequireJS – I

RequireJS is a JavaScript library that provides two main facilities. Manage dependencies of JavaScript code in our applications Optimize JavaScript code In this post and subsequent posts we’ll discuss use of RequireJS in our applications. We’ll see how we can […]

Nice article(s) on object graphs in JavaScript

Though a pretty old one, Tim Caswell‘s articles on JavaScript and the Object-Oriented(???) concepts are really popular and worth having in your bookmarks list. The three series article that talk about object graphs in JavaScript are given below. […]

JSON data from NodeJS into iPhone app

Given below is a simple example of loading JSON data from a Node JS application into an iPhone application. The JSON data is serialized into a collection class. The Node JS application is a http server implementation that returns a […]