Web presentations

Web presentations

My interest in power point presentations faded away few years back. Creating power point slides for presentations and sharing them by converting to PDF documents or uploading in slideshare is a tedious task. I have been treating this job as […]

Adidas Logo using HTML5 Canvas API

Adidas Logo using HTML5 Canvas API

Thanks to the visit to an Adidas store last week, the logo stayed in my mind for a long time that it sparked up an interest to implement it using HTML5 canvas API. The implemented logo is shown below. The […]

Background threads in JavaScript – II

In the earlier post, we discussed WebWorkers in HTML 5 that can be used to execute JavaScript code in the background. Let’s discuss the use of a WebWorker in this post. You can create an instance of Worker class by […]

Background threads in JavaScript

One of the prominent features in HTML 5 is WebWorkers. WebWorkers provide the facility to run your JavaScript code in a background thread. All the code that we write in JS are executed in the UI thread. Hence performing a […]