In the last part of the series of articles on MEAN development, let’s talk about the A and N of MEAN. The N of MEAN (Hello Server!) Here we go with N of the MEAN stack, NodeJS. Let’s develop a […]
In the previous post we got started with MEAN stack. Now, let’s play with MongoDB and Express JS. The M of MEAN (Database) Let’s tackle the M of the MEAN stack, MongoDB. MongoDB is a NoSQL database where you store […]
In the first part of the series on MEAN, I introduced you to the MEAN stack. In this post let’s get started with the MEAN stack. JavaScript explosion The first step towards setting up MEAN is installing NodeJS. You can […]
Building a rich internet application using JavaScript for UI, Rails or the Servlets for the server layer is pretty common. How about using JavaScript to build an application from start to end in all the layers? How about making use […]
In the previous post, we discussed the CRUD operations in MongoDB. It’s time to get your hands dirty by writing some code. Let’s connect to MongoDB from Java, access our Quiz document and play with the Questions collection. You need […]