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A custom grid component in Ext JS4

Continuing my work on custom components in Ext JS4, let’s create a custom grid component. This component takes up JSON data and displays it in a tabular format.

The component is used as shown below

	xtype : "mygrid",
	fields : ["name","age"],
	data : [{name:"Sam",age:12},{name:"Ram",age:22}]

The MyGrid component is shown below. The complicated part of the class is the XTemplate instance. The class is shown below.

		extend : "Ext.Component",
		requires: ['Ext.XTemplate'],
		xtype : "mygrid",
		padding : 20,
		tpl : new Ext.XTemplate(
				'<table border="2">',
				'<tpl for="fields">',
				'<tpl for="data">',
					formatHeader : function(val){
					    return val[0].toUpperCase()+val.substring(1,val.length);
					cells : function(obj){
					    var cells =  "";
					    for(var i in obj){
						cells += "<td>" + obj[i] + "</td>";
					    return cells;
			initComponent : function(){ = {
						fields : this.fields,
						data :

The XTemplate constructs a table element, using fields and data. The XTemplate has two functions formatHeader and cells to format the header and data.

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