
Background threads in JavaScript – II

In the earlier post, we discussed WebWorkers in HTML 5 that can be used to execute JavaScript code in the background. Let’s discuss the use of a WebWorker in this post. You can create an instance of Worker class by […]

Background threads in JavaScript

One of the prominent features in HTML 5 is WebWorkers. WebWorkers provide the facility to run your JavaScript code in a background thread. All the code that we write in JS are executed in the UI thread. Hence performing a […]

GuessingGame using KnockOut and jQuery

Back to bread and butter :), Guessing Game. This time using KnockOut.js and jQuery. The screen shots for the Guessing Game can be found in one of my earlier posts. You can read the introductory post about KnockOut.js here. The […]

Data binding using KnockOut.js

Data binding using KnockOut.js

In the lines of Backbone.js and Node.js, there’s yet another JavaScript library ‘KnockOut.js’ that’s been making noise in the development circles. KnockOut is a JS library that implements a Model-View-View Model(MVVM) pattern. KnockOut helps you bind the data to the […]

Mobile development and Node.js

In an earlier post on Node.js, you saw how it can really improve the productivity by using it’s standalone JavaScript runtime to execute the scripts. The Node.js home page provides a six liner example of creating a simple Web server […]