Play is a very interesting web framework on the block. It’s interesting because it moves away from the traditional servlet-based web applications running on the JVM. It’s very interesting because it can be built using Scala and Java. In the […]
Here’s a list of videos on Scala programming language. Have fun!!! Hello Scala Data Types and Variables Functions in Scala – Part I Functions in Scala – Part II
In the previous post I discussed the problem of connecting to AWS instances concurrently and how slow it was when we implement it sequentially. We need to connect to hundreds of MySQL instances, fetch some records and store them in […]
Last month, as a part of an assignment, I had to connect to MySQL databases on Amazon Cloud and execute a couple of queries. These queries returned some URLs. I had to connect to these URLs and extract the data […]
Functional fever is driving me crazy. I have been trying to write/convert every piece of code to a functional style. For the last couple of weeks, I have been writing tons of code in Scala using pattern matching. In a […]