
A custom grid component in Ext JS4

Continuing my work on custom components in Ext JS4, let’s create a custom grid component. This component takes up JSON data and displays it in a tabular format.

The component is used as shown below

	xtype : "mygrid",
	fields : ["name","age"],
	data : [{name:"Sam",age:12},{name:"Ram",age:22}]

The MyGrid component is shown below. The complicated part of the class is the XTemplate instance. The class is shown below.

		extend : "Ext.Component",
		requires: ['Ext.XTemplate'],
		xtype : "mygrid",
		padding : 20,
		tpl : new Ext.XTemplate(
				'<table border="2">',
				'<tpl for="fields">',
				'<tpl for="data">',
					formatHeader : function(val){
					    return val[0].toUpperCase()+val.substring(1,val.length);
					cells : function(obj){
					    var cells =  "";
					    for(var i in obj){
						cells += "<td>" + obj[i] + "</td>";
					    return cells;
			initComponent : function(){ = {
						fields : this.fields,
						data :

The XTemplate constructs a table element, using fields and data. The XTemplate has two functions formatHeader and cells to format the header and data.


A Link component with custom events in Ext JS 4

In the earlier post, we discussed creating a link component in Ext JS 4 using a template-based approach. In this post, let’s try to add our own events to the link component and register an event handler for the same.

Ext.Component class provides two methods addEvents and fireEvent which can be used for this purpose. Let’s add an event say “search” for the link component and fire the event when you click on the link.

The Link class with the search event is shown below.

			xtype : "link",
			extend : "Ext.Component",
			tpl : '<a href="{href}">{text}</a>',
			initComponent : function(){ = {
						text : this.text,
						href : this.href
			onRender : function(){


In the initComponent method we’ve added an event called “search”. The overriden onRender method fires the event when the component is clicked. Using the mon method, you can add a managed listener on the element for this event. We’ve added a listener for the click event. The handler function of click event fires the custom search event.

The code that uses this component with the event handler for search is shown below.

	xtype : "link",
	listeners : {
	      			search : function(){alert("Searching!!!");}

We’ll discuss some more examples on custom events in the subsequent posts.


A Link component in Ext JS 4 – Template-based approach

In the earlier post, we discussed creating a link component in Ext JS 4 using the autoEl property. The autoEl object is initialized with the values passed during the creation of the link component. Let’s create the following link component using a template-based approach.

        xtype : "link",
        href : "",
        text : "Search"

Instead of using the autoEl property which renders the tag, you’ll define the complete html that you want to be rendered. We’ll use tpl property of the Ext.Component class to define a html template. The tpl property will look like

tpl : "<a href={href}>{text}</a>"

The {href} and {text} expressions will be replaced with the actual values passed through the data property as shown below.

data : {
		href : "",
		text : "Search"

The complete Link component is shown below.

			xtype : "link",
			extend : "Ext.Component",
			tpl : '<a href="{href}">{text}</a>',
			 data : {
				href : "",
				text : "Search"

The code above has hardcoded data. You can initialize the data property dynamically with the values passed during creation of the component as shown below.

			xtype : "link",
			extend : "Ext.Component",
			tpl : '<a href="{href}">{text}</a>',
			initComponent : function(){ = {
						text : this.text,
						href : this.href

As you can see, the template-based approach is preferred in case of complex components as it gives you more flexibility.


A Link component in Ext JS 4

In the earlier post, we saw an example of creating a helloworld label component in Ext JS4. Let’s try to create a hyperlink component here. The hyperlink component that you’ll create will be used as shown below.

	xtype : "link",
	href : "",
	text : "Search"

There are more than two ways of implementing this component. Let’s choose the simplest approach. You will create a class that inherits Ext.Component with the autoEl property as anchor element. The class is shown below.

	extend : "Ext.Component",
	xtype : "link",
	autoEl : {
		tag : "a",
		html : "Click",
		href : "#"
	initComponent : function(){
			this.autoEl.html = this.text;
			this.autoEl.href = this.href;

In the class above, we’ve inherited Ext.Component class and overridden the initComponent method. In the initComponent method we check for the text and href attributes and apply it to the autoEl object.

Running this code will render a simple hyperlink element in the body of the page.

In the next post, we’ll look at a different approach to implementing the link component.


Hello World label component in Ext JS4

Creating custom Components in Ext JS 4 involves following a series of steps. If you understand the Object-Oriented concepts of Ext JS4, it’s not really mind-boggling.

Say you want to create a component that renders the following HTML.

<label>Hello World</label>

All you need to do is create a class that inherits “Ext.Component” class and define the autoEL property. The autoEL property,according to the documentation refers the DOM Element that encapsulates this component. It can be an ordinary String or a DOMHelper object, which has 4 attributes tag,html,cls, and children.
Let’s create our HelloWorld component using this autoEl property as shown below.

	xtype : "helloworld",
	extend : "Ext.Component",
        autoEl : {
	  tag : "label",
 	  html : "Hello World"

The DuraSoft.custom.HelloWorldLabel class inherits the Ext.Component and defines the autoEl property to be a label tag with “Hello World” as html.

Now, let’s create a Panel and render the helloworld component as shown below.

	launch : function(){
			renderTo : Ext.getBody(),
			items : [
			        	{xtype : "helloworld"} 