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Java to Objective-C

Came across an alpha version of a Google‘s open source project known as j2objc. This tool converts the Java code to Objective-C code targeting the iOS platform. There are plenty of language conversion tools that have been around for years. […]

5 minute video session on Introduction to Backbone.js

jQuery plugin for GeoLocation and Google Maps

Given below is an attempt at creating a jQuery plugin that displays a google map pointing out the current location of the user. We’ve used HTML 5 Geo Location API to find out the coordinates (latitude and longitude) and pass […]

Another JavaScript library-Kendo UI

Yet another JavaScript library for mobile applications, KendoUI from Telerik has started making some noise. Few noticeable points, at a first glance about Kendo UI. Kendo UI provides widgets that can be used in web applications, pretty similar to jQuery […]

A custom grid component in Ext JS4

Continuing my work on custom components in Ext JS4, let’s create a custom grid component. This component takes up JSON data and displays it in a tabular format. The component is used as shown below { xtype : "mygrid", fields […]