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Deja vu feeling with ASP.NET MVC

Deja vu feeling with ASP.NET MVC

The Ruby/Groovy, Rails/Grails experience will give you a deja vu feeling with any new technology, framework, language that you work with these days. One such framework that kept reminding me of Grails is ASP.NET MVC 3. Starting from the folder […]

Unit testing Ext JS4 using Jasmine

Unit testing Ext JS4 using Jasmine

Ext JS4 recommends unit testing of the application using Jasmine library. The article can be found here. Given below are some screenshots of a simple application that has been unit tested with Jasmine. The application is implemented in the MVC […]

Code on GitHub

The code that we discuss in this blog will we available on GitHub repositories in from now onwards. I’m also in the process of moving the code in some of the older posts to the repositories. with DirectJNgine

In the previous post, we saw an example of using DirectJNgine. Let’s discuss using to populate a combobox in this post. We’ll display a list of countries in the combobox. The server side code that returns a list […]

A Simple example of using DirectJNgine

During the Struts days, there was a library called DwR (Direct Web Remoting) that was popularly used to access the Java classes directly from JavaScript. DwR provided a JavaScript wrapper for the server side Java classes, so the code will […]