Prabhu Sunderaraman

Background threads in JavaScript – II

In the earlier post, we discussed WebWorkers in HTML 5 that can be used to execute JavaScript code in the background. Let’s discuss the use of a WebWorker in this post. You can create an instance of Worker class by […]

Background threads in JavaScript

One of the prominent features in HTML 5 is WebWorkers. WebWorkers provide the facility to run your JavaScript code in a background thread. All the code that we write in JS are executed in the UI thread. Hence performing a […]

Plain vanilla drag n drop in Ext JS4

Plain vanilla drag n drop in Ext JS4

The drag and drop examples in Ext JS4 look overly complicated that one keeps wondering if drag and drop implementation is very difficult. It’s actually pretty simple. Let’s drag a simple label into a panel as shown below. Before DnD […]

Local storage with Ext JS 4

Local storage with Ext JS 4

Local storage in HTML 5 lets you store data in the browser’s memory. Unlike cookies they don’t travel with the client request. Mobile applications make use of this facility extensively. Playing with local storage in the raw format using JavaScript […]

A DSL query in Groovy

DSL, Domain Specific Languages is a fascinating subject. Reams of articles have been written on this topic. Groovy provides a fluent syntax to create DSLs. Let’s use the meta-programming and closure concepts and build a simple DSL. Say you have […]