
Dive into Android development – II

We had Eclipse IDE with Android plugins configured in the earlier post. Let’s start with our traditional hello world example. The application should pop up a Hello World dialog box. Let’s create a simple Android project in Eclipse, call it […]

Dive into Android development – I

After a series of posts on jQuery plugin I thought I should write a few on developing apps for the android platform. There are plenty of articles/books on android development, apart from the very good documentation on android provided by […]

Grails, Sencha Touch and MVC

It’s pretty tedious implementing MVC pattern in Sencha Touch applications. Sencha Touch provides facilities for modularizing the JavaScript code using MVC, but not as easy as Grails does. Grails enforces MVC seamlessly. The structure of a Grails application looks like […]

Mobile web applications using Sencha Touch

My stint with mobile applications started with developing a mobile version of my company site. One of my clients suggested I use a mobile framework known as Sencha Touch.  Sencha Touch is a JavaScript library with a rich set of […]

Mobile native app using PhoneGap

Creating native mobile apps for iOS, Android and Blackberry platforms involves using a variety of tools and APIs. The issue has always been maintenance. Maintaining three different code bases is always a tedious task. Moreover there is a practical problem […]