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Deja vu feeling with ASP.NET MVC

The Ruby/Groovy, Rails/Grails experience will give you a deja vu feeling with any new technology, framework, language that you work with these days.

One such framework that kept reminding me of Grails is ASP.NET MVC 3. Starting from the folder structure to support for jQuery,the routing mechanism, the controller classes etc, will give you the ‘already done that’ feeling. The reverse is true as well when you work with Rails, Grails after a stint with ASP.NET MVC.

Shown below is a screen shot of an ASP.NET MVC 3 project structure.

You can compare it with a Grails project structure. The highlighted files and folders resemble the Grails application closely.

But for the deja vu, the main advantages of working with these frameworks are steeper learning curve and improved productivity due to exposure to variety of implementations of the same concept.

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