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GuessingGame with Backbone.js

I have a set of examples that I always love to implement whenever I learn a new framework/language/technology. One of them is a Guessing Game. The application will generate a random number between 1 and 100. The user will play the game till he guesses the number correct. The screenshots for the game looks like below:

The UI of the application present inside the body tag is given below.

	   <h1>Welcome to the guessing game. Enter a number between 1 and 100.</h1>
		Enter your guess <input type="text" id="guessTB">
		<input type="button" value="Guess" id="guessBTN">
		<h3 id="messageH3"></h3>
		<h3 id="attemptsH3"></h3>

Let’s implement this game using Backbone.js. In my earlier post on Backbone I had discussed the basics of model, collection and view. We’ll use them to implement the guessing game.

Let’s define a model called GuessingGame with target, attempts and message attributes. ‘target’ attributes will get initialized to a random number between 1 and 100. The GuessingGame model will have a play method that has the core logic of the application. The GuessingGame model is shown below.

var GuessingGame = Backbone.Model.extend({
	defaults : {
		      target : 0,
		      attempts : 0,
		      message : null
	initialize : function(){
				var target = Math.floor(Math.random()*100);	
        play : function(guess){
	                        var target = this.get("target");
                    	        var attempts = this.get("attempts");
  	                        var message = null;
	                       if(guess > target)
  		                  message = "Aim Lower";
	                       if(guess < target)
		                  message = "Aim Higher";
	                       if(guess == target)
		                  message = "You have got it!!!";

In the document load function let’s create an instance of GuessingGame model. You’ll also create a View ‘GameView’. The GameView will have the event handler for the button click event. The onload function with the above logic is shown below:

		var game1 = new GuessingGame();	
		var GameView = Backbone.View.extend({
				el : $("body"),
				events : {
					  "click #guessBTN" : "play"
				play : function(){$("#guessTB").val()));
						$("#attemptsH3").html("Attempts: " + game1.get("attempts"));
				var gameView = new GameView();

There we go!!! I have not done things like validations etc., to keep it simple. GuessingGame is a kind of application that gives you the confidence to proceed to the next level of learning a new tool.

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One Response

  1. Implementing Guessing Game using KnockOut.js

    […] time using KnockOut.js and jQuery. The screen shots for the Guessing Game can be found in one of my earlier posts. You can read the introductory post about KnockOut.js […]

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