Handling the pinch, touch and swipe events in components like Panel in Sencha Touch is a piece of cake. You have to register these events on the DOM element of the UI Component.
The UI Components in Sencha Touch have an element property (unfortunately the API documentation doesn’t show this;I am looking at touch 2.3.0) using which you can access the underlying HTML element. Here’s the code to register the swipe event on a Panel.
function panelSwiped(e) { console.log("Panel swiped: " + e.direction); } Ext.application({ launch: function () { Ext.Viewport.add({ xtype: "panel", listeners: { activate: function (src) { src.element.on("swipe", panelSwiped); } }, items: [ { xtype: "titlebar", title: "Events" } ] }); } });